Tuesday, August 7, 2012


I've never attempted to write a blog because I never had anything to write about, but lately I always hear about how I have such a knack for discussing my favorite movies, books, TV shows, games and pretty much anything I have a passion for. So I decided to give it a shot. This blog is a peak inside of my mind. I will be writing sometimes daily, sometimes a couple times a day or maybe once a month. Who knows. Once I get a schedule down and I get into this, maybe I'll even be writing after I watch/play/read some of my favorite stuff.

I'm a big batman fan, as you can see, and I will be doing Batman related reviews monthly and eventually once a week. My favorite comics, Animated Series episodes, movies and games. 

You can expect weekly blogs on Sons of Anarchy, Dexter and Homeland when they come back on the air. I would totally do a blog on Breaking Bad if it wasn't so late into the season. You might block my site from your browser after all the references to Game of Thrones during the lead up to that next year.

I'm also a big wrestling fan. Yes, I do know that probably isn't the coolest thing to admit to, but I grew up on it and it was a bit part of my childhood and my teens-early 20's so I usually just watch out of habit now. I will always be a fan.

So yeah, this probably wasn't the most entertaining read, but I promise to get better. Everyone's gotta start somewhere eh?

Till next time

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